This is a livery for the Restauravia FOUGA CM170 MAGISTER V 1.2 (Maître d’oeuvre : André Chancel and
downloadable at Restauravia)

History of the MT-14 Twin engine, two seat jet trainer
C/N : 271
Date In : Apr 1960
Date Out : Feb 2003
MT-14, special c/s "40 Years Fouga", stored Beauvechain, Vissenaken (KLM/MRA)

On September 28th, 1958 the Belgian government decided to purchase 45 Fouga Magisters for the Advanced Flying School. The Fouga's were all based at Brustem airbase with the last trainers of the initial order being delivered by January 10th, 1962.
When in 1978 the first Alpha Jet advanced trainers were delivered, some of the butterfly-tailed Magisters were used by different Fouga-flights at various airbases while 8 machines were sold to IAI of Israel. After the disbanding the Fouga-flights the remaining operational aircraft were operated from Beauvechain and gradually withdrawn from use.
On September 27th, 2007 the last operational aircraft, MT-35, made the last flight of the type after a career spanning no less than 47 years in the Belgian Air Force.

Installation :
- unzip the file
- put the folder "livery-fouga-magister-mt14" in your community folder