This is an A320 flight (SAS 821) from Oslo Gradermoen (ENGM) to Amsterdam Schipol (EHAM) with Real ATC audio. 
TAKE OFF RUNWAY : 19L  LANDING RUNWAY : 18C CRUISE LEVEL : 38000. At the start, you're at Oslo airport, Gate 44.
The package contains:

This is an A320 flight (SAS 821) from Oslo Gradermoen (ENGM) to Amsterdam Schipol (EHAM) with Real ATC audio. 


Download & install:
To install, copy the folder ENGM-EHAM-Mission in your MSFS “Community” folder 
Then, you have to download the SAS livery : and extract it in the “Community” folder of your MSFS. 
In addition , the package contains:
-WEATHER (copy .wpr file to MSFS/.../LocalState\Weather\Presets )

At the start, you're at Oslo airport, Gate 44.

If you're not clddrk to default, load the clddrk panel state and then proceed to prepare the cockpit.

Check the Simbrief OFP and load the route in MCDU
For the departure, set : STAR VIPA1C
For the arrival, set : SID EEL1A, via ARTIP SPL
If you prefer, you can put the fp on Simbrief (VIPA1C VIPPA DCT ELKOP P601 BAVTA N873 JUIST P174 EEL EEL1A)

When ready, change the Com1 frequencie to 131.250 in order to request the start up and push back clearance (push face east).

To request the taxi clearance, when ready, change to the Ground frequencie to 121.905

After take off, follow the flight plan and ATC instructions.

if you prefer, activate the English subtitles (General Options - Accessibility - Subtitles>)

Frequencies to contact :

131.250 ENGM delivery

121.905 ENGM Ground

120.100 ENGM Tower

120.450 OSLO Departure

118:870 OSLO Radar

126.055 COPENAGHEN Radar

134.375 AMSTERDAM Radar

131.150 AMSTERDAM Arrivals

119.050 EHAM Approach

118.100 EHAM Tower

(Will be best to prepare the next freq to standby)


1) when at Oslo you request taxi clearance, you hear "Taxi G – S - 19L", you must mean "Taxi J – S - 19L" (J it's the correct taxiway)
2) at about 35 mn to run to Welgo point, the Atc will tell you to report leaving 380 to be leveled at 260 15 miles before EEL Vor. Check the Ytube video above to see how program the descend

For a best realism, download ENGM scenery by  Coco Lada (


Thanks and enjoy your flight.


Copyright 2022 by Patrizio Migliola

Made with BuffyGC's BushTripInjector