
This is a VFR flight from Napoli to Salerno with ATC audio in italian language.

At the start, you're at Capodichino Gate 51. Start theengine and after few minutes you'll receive the taxi clearance.

At holding point, wait your departure clearance, take off and follow the flight plan and ATC reports.

The weather it's no good, the visibility poor, so, to reach Capri fly direct from Torre del Greco (hdg about 200) or follow the coast to Sorrento to have Capri in fron of you.

Then to direct to Salerno, set Pontecagnano Vor as instrumental aid.

Download & install:

To install just have to extract LIRN-LIRI-Mission in the “Community” folder of your MSFS.
In addition to the installation folders, the package contains:

- flight log

- map LIRN and LIRI             

- Flight plans and the VFR reporting points